Basic Loan Repayments
Calculate how much your home loan repayments will be by comparing options like fortnightly repayments, interest rates and length of loan.
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Complete Loan Comparison
Use a loan comparison calculator to compare current home loan products in Australia.
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Extra Repayments
Calculate your home loan repayments with extra repayments and results of time and interest saved.
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How Long to Repay
Simple calculation of repayments resulting in loan term and overall cost of loan.
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Lump Sum Payments
Simple calculation of how a lump sum payment lowers the loan term and overall cost of loan.
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P & I / Interest Only
Compare the loan repayments between a principal and interest loan or an interest only loan.
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Reverse Mortgage
Find out how much your loan will grow to be and how much you or your estate will have left after paying back the loan when the house is sold.
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Split Loan
Calculate your repayments based on a split loan between fixed and variable.
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